Here's my lovely daughter modelling her new Seed Stitch Hat that I made for her. I started it last Thursday, knit like a mad-man, and finished it today. It was tricky because I used two strands of yarn, which makes the hat a little stiffer. She likes it though.
The pattern came off of the Lion Brand Yarn website and was a Vanna's Choice (oh, Vanna, pick me a letter) pattern. I had to use smaller needles though, to accommodate the extra thickness of the two yarns. The seed stitch is pretty simple. It's just a matter of knit and purl over and over again.
My daughter had bought the yarn for a totally different project, but I thought it would go great for a hat. It's pink and lavender and they mix really well. Yeah, so it's cheep-o Red Heart Super Saver yarn at about $2.00 for 364 yards. Listen, I'm not a 'fiber snob'. If I like the stuff, I'll use it.
On another note, I had a pretty stressful day where a bunch of little things (like having to stay and help clean up at co-op this morning, to not finding out that the Kashi cereal I wanted to buy at the store -which WAL shall remain MART nameless - was recalled but was still on the shelf for purchase and I couldn't buy it) ... where a bunch of little things piled up and nearly sent me over the edge. I checked my blood pressure at the 'afore-not-mentioned' store and it was the highest it's ever been. Melora said I should be on medication for a bp like that. Sigh. Well, I know those store machines aren't the most accurate, and I was feeling quite stressed at the moment, but it's been on the climb for awhile now. Yes. I need to lose weight. That's all there is to it. Sigh.
I'll take care of myself. I promise.
Your hat is very nice on your little princess! And hey, that cheep-o stuff is good for wears like iron!!!
I have been on bp meds now for 4 years and hate it! Mine started to climb during my divorce, and I wasn't even overweight, so yeah, I know about the stress factor thing. I do need to lose weight now though and was hoping that simply meant I need to knit faster! haha Take care of yourself Dan, and if Melora says you need meds, then get them!!!
I think it is AWESOME!!!!
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