I went to Rural King yesterday with the kids because it's chick days. We wanted to see all the cute little diddles (as my Mamaw used to call them), even if we couldn't buy any of them. Whilst I was there, I made a purchase:
THAT is a 26 quart, PRESTO pressure canner. I had to add some of my own money to pay for it, but I think it's money well spent.
Now all I have to do is grow something to preserve so I can use it. No fear though, I'm planning on planting a mess of beans, and hopefully I'll be making pasta sauce.
It says it hold 7 quart jars, 20 pint jars, or 24 half-pint jars. How cool is this?
It even has a safety valve that won't allow the pressure to build up if the lid isn't on right and sealed, so my wife won't have to worry about me blowing up the house! Yes, I do feel it in my soul... I HAVE arrived ;o)
Neato!!! Looking forward to seeing what comes out of that cooker!
I have one just like it and I canned well over two hundred different things last summer! My husband loves the thing...I kinda prefer my old water bath..but for beans, corn, cabbage and meat it can not be beat! You will love it!.. By the way I am new to blog world and I came upon you from blogger profiles we share similar interests.
Congratulations on the canner. If I can do it, anybody can!!!!
Your former backyard neighbor had a MUCH older version pressure cooker, which he used for canning all the time too.
Congrats on your new toy!!! I hope to get one this summer.
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