Saturday, May 9, 2009


Hello reader type people (the few I have that is).

Just wanted to let you know where I've been. It's been busy as I've been mowing grass, planting a garden, trying to finish school with the kids for the year, etc.

Plus I'm having problems with my computer or something... Where I once had pictures on my blog, I now have red x's. Not all the pics are that way, just some and I'm not sure why. Do you see red x's?

I'll be back soon with garden pics, nest pics, and spring pics. Be well!


Keetha Broyles said...

I still see pictures.

Do you resize your pictures before you post them? In the past I did not and then I had trouble with them "breaking" and only showing red x's. Now I haven't had that problem since I began resizing.

I still can't get a new post alert in my following list about you - - - which makes me have a very sad face!!!

BUT - - - I did away with my blog list in my side bar because I use the follow feature now, EXCEPT - - - I KEPT you there since I can't seem to follow your blog. So - - - don't think I've abandoned you!!!

Anonymous said...

I see pictures


Keetha Broyles said...


I just found your comment on my blog about Tim being in the background of the photo. I noticed that too. Sweet memory of Tim!!

I don't remember just now who first posted the picture on Facebook, but it may well have been Tammy.

The Midland Agrarian said...

I see pictures too.

This is a busy time of year!